Category Archives: Uncategorized

Look what Ken made for me!


We had a big blank wall in our kitchen, and I’d been finding various examples of pegboard herb gardens on Pinterest (you can see my board here).

Every time I’ve tried to grow herbs outside, I’ve killed them. I forget to water them, or I think “Eh, I’ll go out and water them tomorrow,” and then they’re dead, Jim—dead, I tell you. I had some success when I put the pots on the back steps, because they were close and I could just open the door and water them, but Ken doesn’t look where he puts his big ol’ feet, so that resulted in multiple broken pots scattered around the stairs. The only herb I’ve successfully grown of late is a basil, because it was in the kitchen and I saw it every morning.


I still need to get more pots and things (and I have to figure out how to do that without spending much money). Right now the pot above has a regular basil and a purple basil, but they’re still in their individual wrappings. I think I’m going to just put regular basil in that pot to let it spread out, because we use a lot of basil.

Gardener peeps: Would I line the bottom with small rocks for drainage?



The rest of the herbs, currently on the utility porch, waiting to be transfered when I have proper pots of some ilk. Well, except for the lemon geranium, which I’ll plant outside. And that big pot with the French red chard in it is too big for the pegboard, so I’m not sure where that’ll end up. Maybe it’ll live on the utility porch, and I’ll take it to visit the other herbs in the kitchen every so often.


Dayle is…

I don’t usually repost me-me type things, but I kinda love this one: you go to and type in your name and see what the Internet thinks of you.

It didn’t find my full name, nor Cyfarwydd, but here are some of my favorites from my first name. It’s like philosophical existential truths. Or something.

  • dayle is no dreamer (liars!)
  • dayle is a 1985 (I do love the ’80s…)
  • dayle is more than 200m up the other side before i reach the bottom
  • dayle is an island located in the ocean between east and west faleone
  • dayle is a savvy detective who knows how to navigate the mind of a criminal
  • dayle is his treasure
  • dayle is the author of the best
  • dayle is the only living protege of world
  • dayle is an impressive woman and a role model
  • dayle is one of the strongest people on the planet
  • dayle is known for her creativity and pizzazz
  • dayle is a well
  • dayle is “twice exceptional”
  • dayle is joyful that
  • dayle is a victorian baroque design dating from approximately 1830 to 1850
  • dayle is able to use her psychic talents to find missing people
  • dayle is self
  • dayle is a beautiful
  • dayle is supposed to make her appearance at the very end
  • dayle is committed to innovative
  • dayle is enjoying a fun
  • dayle is this
  • dayle is being horribly whiney and i don’t know why (me, neither)
  • dayle is far from picture perfect (true)
  • dayle is still in my room (muwahaha)
  • dayle is a good

Happy Mother’s Day

In honor of Mother’s Day, I present to you a series of pictures of my mom and I. Many of these were taken during my 15-year “awkward phase.” (Some would argue my “awkward phase” continues to this day.)


Look at the expression my oldest sister Debi’s face. She knows this isn’t going to end well. My mom clearly is still on the good drugs the hospital gave her.


I hated this bedroom with the passion of a thousand fiery burning suns. The walls are pink, the carpet is PINK, the bedspread is pink, and dear gods my nightgown is effing pink. We moved into this house when I was 7 and both my sisters got to choose their bedroom colors, but I did not. As an adult, I asked my mother why, and I swear on all that’s holy that she actually said “All little girls like pink.” This little girl would like to point out that “pink” and “puke” share two letters, and that she is not, and has never been, like “all little girls.”

The only things I loved in this picture were my leopard print woobie (which I still have) and my mommy (which I also still have).

I am amused how everything in the photo is tilting: my mom, myself, the picture above us, and the lampshade. And that my mother and I have the exact same facial expression.

IMG_0399My mother looks rather smug in this picture. Given that it was the 1970s, were prescription drugs involved?


Why am I even posting this picture? This is also 1978, and I wanted a Dorothy Hamill haircut, and that is a bowl cut, which is not what I requested. I’m also unhappily wearing pink. I hate the world. My mother’s expression clearly is “Yeah, I don’t know what happened with this one, either.”

IMG_0376Halloween 1978, which would make me an insane 12. Insane because of the look in my eyes. Then again, check out the glazed look in my mom’s eyes, and refer back to that note re: the ’70s.

That there is a pumpkin-shaped cake. Did I make that cake? I’m either really fond of it, or about to swipe it onto the floor. (This is like a Choose Your Own Adventure Game photo. What do you think happened next?)


With my sister Donna, in 1982, so I’m a disaffected 16-year-old who would rather be elsewhere. (“Elsewhere” likely being Narnia or Middle Earth.) And I would rather not be wearing those awful coulottes that I did not choose for myself. I did love that brown courderoy blazer, though.

That fuchsia color looks great on my mom, and I’m not just saying that show off that I know how to spell fuchsia.

Note that we are standing on a slope, which is why I look the same height as my sister and my mother, who are significantly shorter than me. I suspect they orchestrated that while I was being disaffected. Dammit!


I didn’t mean to make this about me, but this is 1990 and my hair is freaking awesome and it’s the Sunday of a writers’ conference and I’m exhausted. Clearly my mother got more sleep than I did. I’m glad she finds that amusing.

I’d forgotten about that ring on my thumb until now. What happened to that ring? I really liked it. Crap.


I’m not in this picture (I may have taken it, though). 1985, and look at my mom being that badass waterskier! Go Mom!

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom. I love you despite the pink, and that’s saying something.


Announcing…Little Kisses Press!

Little Kisses PressSoul’s Road Press has set up a special imprint for Sophie Mouette books! (Sophie being the coauthoring team of myself and Teresa Noelle Roberts.) Here’s the scoop:

Soul’s Road Press have an exciting announcement to make: We’re about to unveil our first imprint, Little Kisses Press!

Little Kisses Press will showcase the work of popular erotic romance and erotica author Sophie Mouette. She has quite a backstock of stories and a few novels as well, so we have a fun time ahead getting all of her work published! We’re delighted to have her as a part of our publishing venture.

First up will be “Catalyst,” a short paranormal lesbian erotica, followed by erotic novel Cat Scratch Fever (originally published by Black Lace Books in 2006). After that, probably more short fiction, so stay tuned!

Party on the high seas!

There are times in your writing career when you feel unworthy. You’ve been plodding along, things are slowly moving forward, and then someone includes in you in a list of “legendary erotica heavy-hitters” and you look around wondering who behind you they’re pointing at.

I’m having another one of those moments.

I’ve been invited to be an instructor on a writing cruise!

(That sentence really needs about a bazillion exclamation points!)

It took me about zero point two seconds to say yes. After I picked my jaw up off the ground.

So, in October 2011, I’ll be hopping on a cruise ship to Mexico and teaching writing (I’m doing a two-hour session on romance and erotica and whatever else folks want to hear me ramble about) along with Kris and Dean (the Kris & Dean Show is worth the price of admission!) and Chris and Steve York (not sure what they’ll be teaching yet) and Michael Bellomo (nonfiction).

The details I already have are below, in case you might be interested. Seriously, the cost is less than RWA (yes, it’s shorter than RWA and has fewer classes, but you’ll be on a cruise ship!)—if I weren’t teaching, I might be tempted to go just because it’s such an amazing deal!

Hmm…time to start working out so I can look hot in a bikini!


Scribes at Sea

Cruise: Long Beach, CA, to Ensenada, Mexico

Dates: October 28–31*, 2011

Cost–Cruise: starts at $327 per person (includes port fees, tax, food, lodging, shows), based on double occupancy. At least one person per cabin must be signed up for the workshops. (So bring your spouse! Or not your spouse! Heehee.)

Cost–Workshops: $400 for four workshops

Ship: The Carnival Paradise (That’s right, Styx fans: I’m cruising on the Paradise—because that isn’t deliciously ironic, is it?!)

Cruise Booking: Contact Loreene Orgoralini, Can I Go Too? Travel, Reference “Scribes at Sea.” $100 per person deposit is due at booking; the rest isn’t due until June 2011.

Workshop Booking: Contact Dottie Papin, $50 due at registration. Payment plans available with final payment due June 2011.

More info as I get it!

*It is also not lost on me that the last day is Halloween. I may have to bring my pirate costume.

Pimping out my cats

There’s some strange link between writers and cats. Oh, some writers have dogs, but many more of us have cats. Are they our muses? Or is there job to nudge us when we’ve been sitting in front of the computer so long, cobwebs are growing on us?

Check out Circlet Press’s blog for some pictures and stories about some writerly cats, including my own!

It's an honor to be nominated…

…especially when I didn’t even know about the contest!

My short story “Some Old Lover’s Ghost,” which appeared in the anthology Haunted Hearts and Sapphic Shades, is up for the Romance Erotica Connection Awards in the F/F Romance short story category!

If anyone’s a member of REC and liked my story, please vote for it! (Or if you’re not a member and you liked my story, you can join their Yahoo group and vote in the Polls section.)

I’m in amazing company, and even if I don’t win, I’m incredibly chuffed to just be on the list!